If you are a descendant of a Dondanville, Dontanville Dondeville or Dontenville please take the time to register now so that we can keep in touch with you. Even if you are sure that we already have your address and phone number, please register here.

We recognize that many of you are several generations removed from the name Dondanville. It may have been your grandmother or even great grandmother who was a Dondanville. They and their descendants are just as important to our family's history as those who still bear the Dondanville name.

Your First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Maiden Name if Married Woman

Current Street Address

Mo,Day,Yr. of Birth




Home Phone

e - Mail Address

First , Middle , Last Name of Last Ancestor Bearing Dondanville Name
Relationship of That Ancestor to You Parent Grand Parent GreatGrandparent or Earlier

Father's First , Middle , Last Name

Mother's First , Middle , Maiden Name

Before leaving this web site today please fill out your personal History Form
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